Author: Benjamin Bjorkman

  • Food and Free Stuff Doesn’t Cut It

    Food and Free Stuff Doesn’t Cut It

    Earlier this week, I signed up for an experimental online bible study. The organizers were looking for gentlemen across the nation between the ages of twenty and fifty. It was quite a shock to me, then, to receive an email saying that they couldn’t find enough interest to organize a men’s group! I found the…

  • Resolutions


    Happy New Year! I have the honor of the first Morning Walk article in 2022. The twelfth day of Christmas has just passed, and it’s time to focus on the new year. We all want to be prepared for what lies ahead, so that we can capitalize on the positives and avoid the negatives. The…

  • Hunger and Thirst

    Hunger and Thirst

    “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, because they will be satisfied.” Where do we see righteousness? How do we measure faith? This is a question that transcends all times and all places. Philosophers have connected their personal faith to all aspects of their persons: to who they are, and to what they…

  • How Did We Get Here?

    How Did We Get Here?

    I came across a line from Richard J. Foster’s Celebration of Discipline stating, “The surest sign that it is God’s will for us to be where we are is simply that we are there.” Less wordily, God approves of every situation in which we find ourselves. Even between His engineered plan and His engineered punishment,…

  • Daydreams of Heaven 2 – Many Are Called

    Daydreams of Heaven 2 – Many Are Called

    Nota bene: this passage does not necessarily apply to heaven as much as physically following Christ during His travels; still, it presents itself as food for thought. I awoke on a platform that ascended through the sky. I knew nothing about those who sat beside me, nor they of me. The near distance was obscured…

  • Daydreams of Heaven 1 – The Amphitheater

    Daydreams of Heaven 1 – The Amphitheater

    I saw myself in a great amphitheater. I looked to my left and right. The great multitudes of people there measured beyond fathom, though it made little difference—miles off into the distance, the crowds became enshrouded in a bright light. I looked down at a small platform upon which a single individual was seen by…

  • On Scripture Expansion

    On Scripture Expansion

    Extracting meaning from the Bible is perhaps one of the most necessary, important, and by proxy dangerous activities in all theology. The Good Book has many applicable lessons hidden within its verses, but stretching the passage to distortion in a greedy rush for enlightenment can ruin the entire endeavor. The book I was tasked with…

  • Theft – Don’t

    Theft – Don’t

    Recently, I discussed the nuances of the Ninth Commandment. I believe that it is equally reasonable to talk about the absence of nuance in the Eighth Commandment. “You shall not steal.” It reads as clearly in Hebrew as it does in every language on the planet. There are no caveats, clarifications, or mitigations. This rule…

  • Celebration and Relaxation

    Celebration and Relaxation

    Tomorrow is a celebration; it marks both my birthday and the conclusion of my move to another house. I figured, in the midst of all the more sober prescriptive articles of the past, I would take this opportunity to discuss celebration, luxury, relaxation and the like. For one, there’s very little to go off with…

  • Pilates: Different Caricatures of Pontius

    Pilates: Different Caricatures of Pontius

    Easter’s just around the corner, so it’s time to commence with the several-hour long discourse on the nature of Pontius Pilate. What? You don’t do that on an annual basis? What better time to start the tradition than during your Easter video chats! Pontius Pilate’s character was the basis for a mold, an archetype which…