Author: Jacob Zelion

  • Free Will

    Free Will

    In this post I will argue why the definition of Free Will as “the ability to consciously choose to do something” is best. I think man can be manipulated and at the same time be free–provided we understand the word manipulated in a certain sense. By manipulated I do not mean that man is free…

  • Augustinian Predestination

    Augustinian Predestination

    At the moment, I am only going to post some objections to the Augustinian/Thomist view of predestination since I am starting to move away from that view due to the difficulties it poses. The Augustinian view of predestination suggests that after the fall all of mankind is destined for hell and that God, to show…

  • What Can a Wayfarer Know?

    What Can a Wayfarer Know?

    Mankind resembles Pieter Brueghel the Elder’s painting of the blind leading the blind. As the great Pascal tells us (great not because of his often misunderstood Wager but for the extent of his vision): Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it.…

  • Out of the Frying Pan and the Fire

    Out of the Frying Pan and the Fire

    One of the most characteristic aspects of World War I as an experience was the constant rain of artillery shells: these shells, as opposed to rifle fire, were the greatest source of casualties. Nothing could save one from these shells. Although ducking down or hiding in a dugout could add to one’s chances of survival,…

  • Rediscovering Lost Horizons

    Rediscovering Lost Horizons

    Rediscovering the relationship between faith and reason is necessary for understanding and engaging with the atmosphere of our times. Indeed, it has been the church’s constant tradition to show those outside its fold how they possess vague glimpses of what the church teaches, believes, and confesses. However, before analyzing the relationship between faith and reason,…

  • Quo Vadis Thomistice?

    Quo Vadis Thomistice?

    After considerable reflection I must agree that, despite the wisdom of certain finer points of St. Bonaventure, St. Thomas truly represents the highest point of philosophy and theology and is, in this capacity, the most effective response to modern challenges. I found out that St. Thomas held positions on faith and philosophy which I thought…

  • Doctor Seraphicus

    Doctor Seraphicus

    Ever since the great Thomist revival of the 19th century many Catholics have forgotten about St. Bonaventure and honored only St. Thomas. Before investigating the merits of St. Bonaventure I will say nonetheless that, as the tradition of the Church demonstrates ever since his death, St. Thomas is a truly marvelous expositor of Christian philosophy…