Category: Apologetics

  • Salvation and Free Will

    Salvation and Free Will

    This post is inspired by the previous post Camille wrote talking about how and why it is so important to understand that man is utterly dependent on God for his salvation. While I know we have our disagreements, I found myself nodding along to most everything throughout Camille’s post. I agree that no one can…

  • Eye of the Needle

    Eye of the Needle

    Imagine a drowning man. Head barely above the water, arms flailing, his efforts to reach the shore growing feebler by the minute. You watch, helpless, unable to swim yourself, and discover to your great surprise that one of your friends is standing beside you. An experienced swimmer, he watches calmly as the man begins to…

  • The Romance of the Ontological Argument

    The Romance of the Ontological Argument

    Psalm 139 O Lord, you have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from far away. You search out my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, O Lord,…

  • Peter’s Vision: Making Clear What Was Made Clean

    Peter’s Vision: Making Clear What Was Made Clean

    This is a guest post by A Andrew. He is an aspiring Messianic Jewish apologist. I have lost count of how many times people have pointed to Peter’s vision of the animals on the sheet in Acts 10 and say, “See! You do not need to keep kosher anymore!” It still shocks me every time.…